Saturday, August 10, 2013


Often our children will complain “my legs hurt” our reply “it’s just growing pains” or they say “my arms hurt” we again reply “its just growing pains”. Time passes our children are now grown and the “growing pains” are no more. Now that the physical growth has just about reached its end, we are faced with another challenge. They are becoming young adults and trying to find their place in this great big world.

They begin to test the limits, have their own ideas and make their own decisions. What they don’t realize is that there is still much growth to be had; only this time it’s called maturity. Often times they make a decision that we as their parents and as adults with experience know would not be to their best interest.  So, naturally we say, “no”. We explain our reasons or try to but they just don’t understand. When raising teenagers and young adults at times we have to put our “friend hat” away and be “parent” to protect our children from themselves. They don’t always understand and we may not be their favorite person for a while but this is part of the growth process. I like to refer to these times as “growing pains” as well.  Though they may not see it at the moment, they will look back one day and say “thank you for not letting me do that” and will realize we did it because we love them.We love them so much we are willing to be “hated”, “disliked”, “annoying” “lame” and countless other adjectives we’re so affectionately called during these phases, just to protect them.

So, if your young adult has shunned you because you loved them enough to keep them from making a mistake roll with the punches and know that one day the light will come on and they’ll thank you. You know, like you thanked your parents. ;)

~A Diva~

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