Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Leaving an Inheritance

The other day in a conversation I had with one of my children the matter of  “leaving something for my kids” came up. As parents, we work hard to leave something to our children once our time here on earth is done. Oftentimes when we think about an inheritance we think of material possessions, homes, cars, money, etc.… All these things are great and provide a sense of accomplishment for you, because you are leaving something behind that would be useful to your children. Your children may feel secure because they can use or sell a home and vehicles, for example, to provide more financial stability. The ability to leave possessions to your children is a blessing but my most prized possession I can leave to my kids is my faith, my relationship with Jesus and Abba Father.

Faith and the knowledge of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is what I long to leave my children, grandchildren, someday great-grandchildren, and generations to come. I told my son, that our possessions die when our body dies, and we can not take them with us. What we gain through God and our Savior Jesus Christ goes with us to eternity in Heaven. Our spiritual growth, wisdom, knowledge, and purpose cannot be taken away. 

What is gained from knowing God and leaving a legacy of faith in Jesus Christ our Savior? EVERYTHING! God is everything we need all in ONE. He is JEHOVAH ROHI - The Lord My SHEPHERD (Psalm 23:1), JEHOVAH JIREH - The Lord My PROVIDER (Genesis 23:14), JEHOVAH RAPHA - The Lord My HEALER (Psalm 103:3), JEHOVAH SHALOM - The Lord My PEACE (John 16:33), JEHOVAH NISSI - The Lord my BANNER (Exodus 17:15), JEHOVAH TSIDKENU - The Lord My Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:19-21), JEHOVAH SHAMMAH - The Lord IS THERE FOR ME (Ezekiel 48:35)

With the Lord as my Shepherd, I shall not want or desire anything because He is my provider. When I am sick I can turn to the Lord as my healer and be restored. I will always have peace no matter the circumstances. My salvation is secured in Jesus who was without sin and died on the cross so I may live in eternity with Him. I have the security that God will never leave me nor forsake me. 

THIS…this is the best inheritance, legacy, and most prized possession I can leave my children. If they can receive this knowledge and understanding of Our God and how much He loves them, I have left them richer than any money or material possession can give them.