WOW…. what a whirlwind of a year this has been! I began the year completely focused and surrendered to God’s will for my life and He utterly blew my mind! I will do my best to describe just how magnificent our God is and how His grace and mercy abound much. I do not know if there are enough words in the dictionary to express just how good God is but I will certainly try.
I was a divorced
single mother for 21 years and those of you who are also divorced and/or single
know how lonely that can be at times. In my 21 years of singleness, I did date in
an attempt to meet someone and possibly get married again someday. Unfortunately,
all that happened was one failed relationship after another and a few, ok a lot
of one-time dinner dates, because well, we have to have some standards, right?
Some of those failed relationships did come with tremendous heartbreak but with
each also came wisdom and knowledge. Did I always use the wisdom and knowledge
I had gained? No, in some instances I had to repeat the mistake before it got
through my thick skull that maybe that is not God’s plan for me. I would
repent and “resubmit” my heart and life to God, then when He was not moving
fast enough for my taste I would “help” him. That never worked either. Finally,
toward the end of 2021, I was so tired and broken from the last horrible
relationship I had no desire or energy to force anything else into my life. I
took a sabbatical from dating and focused my time and energy on growing my
relationship with God. I deleted any dating profiles I had and said no to suggestions
from friends, family, and anyone who attempted to introduce me to someone new. I
took those last few months of the year to focus on my relationship with the
Lord and me. I had decided that I would reevaluate where I was spiritually,
mentally, and emotionally at the beginning of the year to determine if I was
ready to date again. Little did I know that as I was focusing on God, He was
orchestrating the most beautiful love story I had ever known, mine and my husband’s.
In August of
2021 my eldest son was stranded at the airport for four hours with a flat.
After many failed attempts at fixing it and finding a spare, he finally called
mom (me) for guidance. He asked for a tow truck but I told him knew of someone
who owns a mobile tire and service business. So, I contacted that person and my
son was back on the road in less than an hour. I know this seems irrelevant but
those who know me and my children up close and personally know my eldest has always
been the hardest to win over. Fast forward four months I am now working a sip-n-shop
for my Mary Kay business and the same gentleman that owns the mobile and tire
business paid the support of his business forward and ordered products from me
for himself and visited the vendor event to do a little more shopping for
Christmas gifts. Even though we had been Facebook friends for almost three
years already I had never met him in person. He messaged to let me know he was
on his way to pick up his product so I went to the car to get it and put it in
a bag for him. While I was walking to the car I noticed he was parking his truck
so I waited to let him know I was going to my car. You know how in the movies
when the couple lay eyes on each other for the first time and they are mesmerized
and everything is in slow motion? Well, I am a living witness that it happens in
real life too! As he was stepping out of his truck I watched those cowboy boots
touch the ground, and noticed his heavy starched jeans and western belt, which
tucked away his nicely starched button-down shirt, his Ariat vest was a nice
touch too along with the felt cowboy hat but it was the smile he gave me when
he said hello from under that cowboy hat that completed the ensemble and made
time stand still. I replied hello and let him know I was going to my car to get
his product, little did he know I was flustered and nervous on the inside like
a little school girl. Like the gentleman, he is he walked me to the car and
then walked back into the sip-in-shop with me. He browsed and shopped while I
dropped products, receipts, and whatever else my nervous hands attempted to
grab. After meeting him in person I was intrigued and I just knew I needed to
know more about him so I suggested an impromptu dinner, since I had not eaten
all day that day. He agreed and we had a quick pleasant dinner. He walked me to
my car and said thank you for suggesting dinner gave me one of the warmest,
strongest, and most comforting hugs I had ever had. It felt safe. We did not see
each other but maybe one other time after that when he dropped off some food for
me at my other job. I ended up with COVID the following week, which I feel was
God’s way of saying, you made a promise to me and I am holding you to it. I had
one of the mildest cases of COVID one could have. My kids were hit a little
harder and my new friend offered his assistance countless times. Of course, I would
politely decline because I tend to be a little stubborn on the receiving help
spectrum but there was one day I did accept only it was for my kids. They had
been nursing their baby girl through COVID and it began to take a toll. One of
those days they had not eaten in almost 24 hours and it was pretty much impossible
to leave one alone with the baby since she required so much care and they were
tag teaming while the other rested. I asked my friend if he could drop them off
some food and within 30 minutes food was on their porch. We got through COVID
and finally got together as a family on New Year’s Eve since we missed Christmas
quarantining. While we were there I showed my middle son my friend’s Facebook story
of a deer he had shot while hunting that day. My son has always had an interest
in hunting. While looking at his picture my eldest son asked “who is that?” I told
him it was the guy who helped him with his tire that night at the airport his exact
words were “now that’s a good guy” my middle son and I shockingly glanced at
each other because he has never said that about anyone. Oh, I forgot to mention
during this time my AC unit had also stopped working so we had no heat at home.
The next day on January 1st my friend invited me to dinner and also
brought a space heater to help until the AC repair man came that following Thursday,
he also brought a truck bed full of firewood the next day. After that first
official date, I would get a good morning text with a link to a song and a sweet
message to have a blessed day. This went on for weeks, I will spare you the
rest of the mushy details that lead to March 11, 2022, the day he proposed and
asked me to marry him. I was caught by surprise and looking a hot mess. It was
dress-down Friday at work if that gives you a hint. From that moment on I knew
this was the man God hand-picked for me because I had peace in my heart and in
my spirit, which I had never had before. We began planning a wedding and on
November 26, 2022, I became Mrs. Hector Villalpando. Even at my best, I could
not have chosen a better man for me. He takes care of me on a much deeper level
than anyone ever has. He leads me spiritually, covers me in prayer daily, and supports
me in all I do. He cares for and loves my children as his own and I love his
children just the same. I am so thankful I surrendered my life and will to God
because His best for me far exceeds my expectations (Ephesians 3:20-21).
If you are
single and frustrated with meeting the wrong person over and over, I encourage
you to take a break and use that time to seek God and His will for you. So many
times, we “hear pray for the man/woman you want, be specific in your request and
God will answer”. That is great advice
but that is not the only thing you should pray for. God already knows the desires
of your heart and what you need. I strongly believe God knew I was ready for my
husband when I stopped praying for what I wanted in a husband and began praying
and asking Him to search my heart and show me the things in me I need to change
to be the wife I need to be should He decide to bless me with a husband. I
could have had the man of my dreams standing in front of me but If I was not
right in my heart, mind, and spirit it would not have worked. I probably would
have destroyed the opportunity. It was not until I began to ask God to change
me that He gifted me with a man after God’s own heart. There is nothing more beautiful
than walking into the living room or kitchen and seeing your husband in God’s word
or listening to a sermon. So again, I encourage you to seek God first, pray and
ask Him to give you the will to do the hard thing and weed out all that is not
of Him. I will not lie and say that every day will be easy because it won’t be.
Some days will be easy and some will be hard but remember that God’s word says
in Philippians 4:13 “ I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Stay
focused and “…press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has
called [you] heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13). If you can do that
you will live in His goodness and perhaps with the one He hand-picks for you.
~A Loved Diva💛💚