Friday, November 16, 2018

Praising God Through the Storm

Since my last blog my oldest son has begun his three-year sentence in prison. I have to admit this has been both an emotional and spiritual struggle for me. It does not matter how strong you are in your faith when it comes to our kids we become vulnerable to things like worry, anxiety, stress, depression and so many other emotions. As a parent, our natural instinct is to want to protect them but sometimes we have to step back and let God take over. In those moments, when circumstances look bleak and depression, anxiety and worry want to creep their ugly little selves in, we must praise God through the storm.

My heart was completely shattered in the days following my son’s transfer to his prison unit. Though you are anticipating the event you are still never fully prepared emotionally. I consider myself a strong person so when I realized I started isolating myself from others and then from those closest to me, I knew I had to do something. I was already praying and journaling so what more could I do? My dear friend suggested a movie called War Room some time back, so I finally watched it. If you have not seen it, watch it! The storyline is about a young wife mentored by an elderly woman who was strong in her faith and taught her how to “fight” for her family correctly, in prayer. She showed the young wife her “War Room” where she would go deep into the word of God and pray. The mentor in the movie reminded the young woman “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). This inspired me to do the same. I not only went to spiritual war for my son, I went to war for myself. I called on two of my friends who are prayer warriors to pray for me as I struggled with depression and isolation. Later that evening I was driving home and one of my favorite praise songs came on “Shackles” by Mary Mary. As I began to sing along a word came to me…praise Him through the storm! That’s exactly what I did! I listened to praise music all the way home and sang along and lifted one hand in worship (the other one was on the steering wheel). I worshiped God and thanked him for delivering me from the spirit of depression and worry. Thank you for your word in Nehemiah 8:10…” do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” I felt a weight lift and my spirit was lighter and there was a significant change in my disposition. At that moment I understood just how powerful praise is and how powerless the devil is! The enemy does not stand a chance when you start praising the Lord! My faith tells me the battle has already been won, it was won on Calvary thousands of years ago. I know God’s promises never return void, so as He is working out all things for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose (Romans 8:28) I will continue to praise Him. 

In those moments when you feel nothing but despair and hopelessness I encourage you to get in your war room and fight the good fight! Take back your families and pray for salvation, deliverance, blessings, and prosperity over them. Begin to speak against every assignment the devil has against you and your family and against every stronghold, In Jesus' Mighty Name! Create a playlist of your favorite praise and worship songs and blast it from the speakers raise your hands and begin to praise God and thank Him for His goodness. Completely “submit yourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

~A Diva Praising God Through the Storm~

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