Monday, December 19, 2016

Unbelievable 2016

Unbelievable 2016
2016 has been a roller coaster of a ride filled with highs and lows. At the start of the year I ended a three year long relationship only to start another one shortly after. I did so despite the concerns of those who love me and found myself changing who I was to accommodate someone else’s insecurities. Thankfully I sought God in this situation and He opened my eyes to things I did not see before. Needless to say I ended that relationship as well. I’ve heard the saying “hope deferred makes the heart grow sick” but never really understood what it meant until after my last breakup. Though my heart was broken it was my spirit that was most affected. I had never lost my faith or hope in God but my spirit had grown sick, kind of like when you’ve had bad food and your stomach is unsettled, it was that feeling but in my spirit. Now that you have the visual or same feeling let me explain how I got passed it. Once I was finally able to pin point what it was I was feeling, I was now able to pray about it and seek God for healing and restoration. God is always faithful, but I don’t need to tell you that, I’m sure you already know. As I started praying for restoration and spiritual healing I could feel the sickness fading and eventually it was completely gone. I have to admit God’s unfailing and unconditional love is over-whelming at times. No matter how many times we try to do things on our own and step out of His will for our lives, He is always faithful to bring us back when we surrender. I thank Him for that and look forward to what He has in store for me in the New Year. The blessings have already begun as I now have my son home from the military and this is the first time, since he enlisted four years ago, that we have had him home for Christmas. The best gift I have received is having all three of my sons home for Christmas.
So, if your 2016 didn’t go quite as you had thought or expected; take comfort and know that when we surrender our will to our Heavenly Father we will not be disappointed. If you have big plans for 2017 know that if you “commit to the Lord whatever you do, your plans will succeed” (Proverbs 16:3). Also, “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). Here’s to an unbelievable 2016 and the anticipation for an even more memorable 2017! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
~ A Diva Believing God~

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I Am Blessed...

I am blessed
I am blessed that God doesn’t give me everything I think want.
I am blessed that He protects me from what is not good for me.
I am blessed that He has never left me nor forsaken me.
I am blessed that His love for me is unconditional.
I am blessed that no weapon forged against me will prosper.
I am blessed that I am highly favored by the Lord.
I am blessed that when one door closes another one opens.
I am blessed that I have everything I need.
I am blessed that I have family and friends who love me.
I am blessed that I have good health.
I am blessed that I have a good job and can bless others through it.
I am blessed that I am the daughter of a King!
I am blessed and so are you!
~A Blessed Diva~

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I Release You

I release you…

I release you back to our Heavenly Father because you first belonged to Him. I give you gently back to Him in gratitude that I was given the opportunity to love you for a short time. Though it wasn’t in God’s plan for our lives to be unified, I am thankful to Him that our paths crossed. I will not forget the love you showed my children and I. I will always remember the laughs we shared and the fun evenings enjoying what we both loved, dancing.

The decision to give you back to our Father did not come easy but I know it was the right thing to do. I’ve accepted God’s plan for us and with that comes a peace that surpasses all understanding. Is there still sadness? Yes, but I know that ultimately His will is much better than our own. When we step out of God’s will and plan for our lives it can become a bit chaotic. As time goes on and days pass we will find clarity and God’s plan will be made evident.  My prayer for you is that God’s love and favor will follow you wherever you go and in all that you do. I pray He gives you your heart’s desire and that you will want for nothing. I pray that He will bring all that is good to you and protect you from all that is bad. May you find happiness in all you pursue and joy in all that surrounds you. I pray protection over you that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. I pray your children are taught by the Lord and great will be their peace.

I release you today back to our Heavenly Father with gratitude that I was given the opportunity to love and be loved by someone so beautiful.

Love always,

~A Diva~